Saturday, May 9, 2009

Quotes;; and then some.


you don't know me, you don't even care.

it's pathetic how i keep holding onto something that's not even there anymore. not to the time that we first met, to the time that we were known as nothing but strangers.

invisible thoughts.

you don't know me, you knew me. you stopped listening the moment that i needed you the most.

Accept it. People are going to walk in, and out of your life.
I've watched too many people walk away from me.
This life is too short for me to worry about pleasing everyone.
I don't have the time nor patience to deal with everyone
and their bullshit. Love yourself unconditionally, because
no one else will. In the end, everyone becomes exactly
who they said they would never be. Lately I've come to realize
truth is the hardest thing to find, and when I find it, I'll try
my hardest to keep it. But I never fight for anyone to stay.

Now you don't wanna be around me lately, why you acting shady?

She moves with grace, even when she stumbles and trips. You'll hear a break of laughter as she smiles, an outburst of noise. Perfection is there, if you look past the first layer of insecurities and mistakes. That's where you'll see a person worth listening to. The person most people try to find in themselves. That's the person she never sees when she looks at herself.

& While your trippin on the love we could've had,
im movin on, i got to and aint no lookin back.

[&&] When one day you have realize
what you have lost and decide to come back,
I hope that day I realize that I am
better off without you & never needed you.
Until then.. Lloro por ti.

Point of rhythm is to follow it in time
To listen to the beating in your mind
Remember if you seek, then you shall find.

when you lose somebody, you think you've lost the whole world as well, but that's not the way things turn out in the end. eventually, you pick yourself up and look out the window and once you do, you see everything that was there before the world ended is out there still. these are the same apple trees and the same song birds, and over our head, the very same sky that shines like heaven, so far above us that we can never hope to reach such heights.

everytime you build me up, you only build me down.

it doesn't make sense to let go of something you had for so long, but it also doesn't make sense to hold on when nothings there.

i don't really think people can change. you know, at the end of the day, you are who you are. and at the end of the day, it's probably who you've always been. - one tree hill.

you were meant to be my escape, the one thing i could use to avoid the pain of my life. turns out i was wrong. you were the very essence of my pain; the pain i couldn't escape.

it's better not to want anything, that way if it goes away or doesn't happen .. it just doesn't matter.

give me something to
believe in.

ever get the feeling when you wanna run away? your friends try to stop you & you don't know what to say. your parents suck & they fight all day .. it's getting late so you go to lay down, trying to sleep but it's dizzy all around. you've loved a guy but you're waiting too long. why does everyone's life feel so right when yours feels so wrong? you're trying to make the right choices to suceed .. you feel alone & lost .. you just wish for a perfect life .. how much does that cost? you lose control, you keep getting mad, you realize everything you have just gets you sad. i learned that you gotta keep your head up & stay strong cause bullshit is something that was played all along. you go in the kitchen & grab a knife but then you think to yourself, it isn`t worth ending my life.

the world's dying slowly.

I`m going to smile my best smile &
I`m going to laugh like it`s going out of style.
I look into his eyes, & I pray that he doesn`t see ;;
that learning to live again is killing me.

I know I'm not easy to understand. I know I keep a lot inside and I know I'm not the easiest person to read, but that's okay. Cause even though there's a lot about me you'll never know, there's a hell of a lot more of me you can learn to love.

If I ever had a notion, I lost it. If I ever had a sober thought,
I tossed it. I'm throwing my whole fuckin life away.

She's a disaster. She loses faith in herself everyday. Her life is a mess and she doesn't care. No one understands her, people say things to put her down. No one notices that she could be breaking inside. Maybe she needs a hug from someone, or maybe for someone to sit next to her and listen to her. That's all she needs.

It's hard to watch people change right in front of you.
But the worst part is remembering who they used to be.

don't threaten me with what you think i feel. if you could read my mind, you would be in tears.

i've changed so much lately. every single day i wake up different. i feel like i'm fading every step. all everyone else sees are smiles. they say i'm doing much better. i know i'm doing much worse.

i'm strong, but i break. i'm stubborn, & i make plenty of mistakes.

you think you know me, but you don't, & that means you don't know what i can do. you see me as someone who has all the answers, & that's not true. i may not always know what i'm doing but i'll try to make things better. & when i make a mistake, just face it, because we all do, i promise i'll ask for yourhelp, i can't do this alone, but if your believe in me, we'll do great things together. i promise if you believe in me, i'll find thecourage to reach your every dream. John F. Kennedy once said, " the courage of triumph is a magnificent mixture of triumph & tragedy, a man does what he must in spite of consequences, in spite of obstacles, dangers, & pressures & that is the basic of all morality." ( one tree hill )

if you hope ; get ready for the dissappointment.

It's hard to watch people change right in front of you.
But the worst part? remembering who they used to be.

"I'm trying to find myself as a person, sometimes that's not easy to do. Millions of people live their entire lives without finding themselves. But it is something I must do." - Marilyn Monroe

Pick a fight; i wanna feel something.

This guy showed me a picture of himself.
He was like "Hey, this is a pictures of me
when I was younger." Every picture is a
picture of when you were younger. If a guy
came up to me and was like "Hey, this is a
picture of me when I'm older." I'd be like
"No shit?! Where'd you get that camera?"

Being able to survive it, doesn't mean it was ever ok.

An english professor wrote the words:
"A women without her man is nothing."
on the chalkboard and asked his students to
punctuate it correctly. All of the males wrote:
"A women, without her man, is nothing."
All the females wrote:
"A women; without her, man is nothing."
Punctuation is powerful.

There's nothing more valuable than having someone
in your life that reminds you of who you are.

But don't expect me to be happy
for you and don't smile at me
and tell me things will work out for me too.
I don't want your pity. I hate your pity.

if you are still talking about what you did
yesterday, you haven't done much today.

from chaos comes clarity.

my future was bright but now its getting blurry.

dreams are often the opposite of reality.

You always disappoint me.
It's kind of like our inside joke
except it's not funny.

You change for two reasons:
Either you learn enough that you want to,
or you've been hurt enough that you have to.

Everyone deserves to laugh.
Everyone deserves to be happy.
Everyone deserves to be loved.

Her smile; it held secret amusement, and heartbreak, and an infinite bitterness.

So what would you think of me now, so lucky, so strong, so proud?

You probably wish you never met me, and i just wish you never forget me.-Lil Wayne

in order to understand my train of thoughts
you'll have to put yo self in my position
you cant expect me to think like you cuz my life aint like yours
you know what im sayin? if you dont understand that you dont
understand english im done talking! -T.I

She said I don't believe that it's a God right now
I know it's hard right now and ya heart light now
But God give new beginnings you could start right now
Know you scarred right now cause you apart right now
But shit you in better shape than we are right now. -T.I

the only thing u was promised was death from the beginning of your life. -T.I

I turn my head to the east I don't see nobody by my side,
I turn my head to the west, still nobody in sight,
So I turn my head to the north swallow that pill that they call pride,
That old me dead and gone but the new me will be alright. -T.I

Just here for your amusement
My life, your entertainment
You watch it while I live it (live it)
You waitin' for me to lose it
I guess I'm just here for your amusement -T.I

I can't teach you my swag
You can pay for school but you can't buy class -T.I

I'm the truth at, you kick it like me no exaggeration necessary. -T.I

I'm gonna smile cus I deserve to.

i was always trying to make something happen in my life. but nothing much happened except all the drama i created around things not happening.

[&&] you're afraid to show a smile cus you dont want people to overlook the hurt you have in your heart. you are so scared that they will start to believe that the pain you feel isnt real..

its ironic when you iGNORE* the one who [ADORESz] you and ADORE* the one who [IGNORESz] you. when you HURT the one who [LOVESz] you and LOVE the one who [HURTSz] you. the outcome of HEARTBREAK.

they say you never know what you have til' you lose it. you promise your girl something, you better do it. you can't tell a women you love her, are you stupid? words don't express your love, you gotta prove it.(papoose)

stop jumping into my life. you cant toy with my emotions. if i cant have you then at least let me live without you.

you're stone cold, you say it aint so.
you're outta control, how could you let go?
don't you know I'm not attached to materials?
ill give it all up but I'm taking back my love,
I've given you too much but I'm taking back my love.

y la vida se me rompe en mil pedzos.
sonando que lol nuestro tiene algin remedio;
y es que no encuentro una salida
una forma de curar estas heridas..
[and my life is shattered in a thousand pieces.
dreaming that there is a solution for us;
and its just that I can't find an end,
a way to heal these wounds..]

Forgive sounds good. Forget, I'm not sure I could. They say time heals everything, but I'm still waiting." - Dixie Chicks

It`s okay to be shy to accept a compliment. But what`s so wrong with standing up straight & saying, "Yeah, I am great!"?
[ Mandy Moore ]

truth of dare
truth; tell me how you feel
dare; proveit.

i know it seems hard sometimes but remember one thing through every dark night, theres a bright day after that so no matter how hard it gets, stick your chest out, keep ya head up.. and handle it.

"You're not asleep, and you're not dead. I'm here, and I love you. I have always loved you, and I will always love you. I was thinking of you, seeing your face in my mind, every second that I was away. When I told you that I didn't want you, it was the very blackest kind of blasphemy." -- Edward Cullen.

A pessimist sees only the dark side of the clouds, and mopes; a philosopher sees both sides, and shrugs; an optimist doesn't see the clouds at all- he's walking on them.
-Leonard Louis Levinson

I remember when I was love sick.
You block out everyone.
You feel so tired, because you haven't slept in forever.
You know that he'll be in your dreams,
but you don't want to stay awake laying in your bed crying either.
You're starving, but you can't eat because you're starving for him
and every memory just leaves you a bigger hole in your heart.
Even your clothes remind you of him what you wore when you hung out.
You can still smell him all over them,
even though his scent hasn't been there for long.
You wish his scent would be stuck on you,
but you know you'd be pulling at your skin trying to get him off you.
You're online, he signs on, and you want to yell at him to go away,
but you just watch the screen waiting for him to say anything,
but then he signs off, and you tear yourself apart for not saying anything to him.
You stop talking to your friends,
and they get worried and try comforting you,
but they just make you feel worse because they think they know,
but they don't have a damn clue

It's so weird, & confusing that when I say I don't know what to do, I really mean it.
One minute you're making me laugh out loud, like no other guy can, & the next I just
want to get up & leave cause you piss me off so much.

She wasn't bitter, she was sad though,
but it was the hopeful kind of sad.
the kind of sad that just takes time.

Its simple you say you've seen better days,
and now I guess we go our separate ways.
Here’s one for my loneliness and to for
how we used to be, three strikes to my
empty chest and four all my jealousy.

It seems we living the american dream But the people highest up got the lowest self esteem The prettiest people do the ugliest things
- kanye.

" you put on a good show... but I'd be willing to bet that
you're suffering more than you let anyone see. "

She’s strong, because she knows what it’s like to be weak.
She keeps a guard, because she knows what it’s like to cry herself to sleep.

i already know how this thing goes;

you run and tell your friends that you're leavin' me,
they say that they don't see what you see in me,
wait a couple months then you gon' see,
you won't find nobody better than me.

"i love you beyond measure no matter how many times a day i say the opposite."


Adding till they subtract me; I never be a equal.

It's hard to explain it/ Been through it, you name it/ The heartache kept breaking/ The shamed played that game/ But I, couldn´t seem to win/ I started to think/ Something was wrong with me/ Till I was finally introduced to happy/ I made the greatest discovery of mankind/ You define the existence of love/ And I found it in you/ Searched my whole life through/ So rare but so true/ The definition of love is you

'They say sleep is the cousin of death so my eyes wide open cuz dreams are kin to your last breathe.

Blame & hate urself for what u are made up of, hurt and face from those close to u for what they made of u, destroy & crush those emotions for exposing ur weak flaws..u then lose reality & embrace insanity.

we're old enough to know,
but too young to care.

"women are meant to be loved, not understood."
-Oscar Wilde-

Sick of CRYING, tired of TRYING, yeah I’m SMILING, but inside I’m DYING.

theres a lot you can learn from someone when you listen to the music they listen to.

impossible is just a big word thrown around, by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given, then to explore the power they have to change it. impossible is not a fact. it's an opinion. impossible is not a declaration, it's a dare. impossible is potential. impossible is temporary. impossible is nothing.

one finger up and im out,
cause baby you aint even worth two

when a girl is quiet, millions of things are running through her mind
when a girl is not arguing, she is thinking deeply
when a girl looks at you with eyes full of questions, she is wondering how long you will be around,
when a girl answers 'im fine' after a few seconds, shes not fine at all
when a girl stares at you she is wondering if you are lying
when a girl lays on your chest, she is wishing for you to be hers forever
when a girl wants to see you everyday, she wants to be pampered
when a girl say she loves you, she means it
and when a girl says i miss you, no one in this world can miss you more than that.

Promise yourself to be strong, that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. Look at the sunny side of eveything & make your optimism come true. Think only the best, work only for the best, & expect only the best. Forget the mistakes of the past & press on to the greater achievements of the future. Give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others. Live in the faith that the whole world is on your side as long as you are true to the best that`s in you.

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

"If you want to experience your dreams, just take a nap." -Chris Moy

you had me at hello but you lost me at goodbye.

Its not up to me anymore.
If you want me in your life, you'll find a way to put me there.

you stay when you say youre leaving./ but you come and go like the seasons./ im tired of games, through with pain./ you never gave me what i needed, your actions keep repeating.

"You may not be her first, her last, or her only.
She loved before she may love again. But if she loves you
now, what else matters? She's not perfect - you aren't either,
and the two of you may never be perfect together but if she can make you laugh,
cause you to think twice, and admit to being human
and making mistakes, hold onto her and give her the most you can. She may not
be thinking about you every second of the day, but she will
give you a part of her that she knows you can break - her heart. So
don't hurt her, don't change her, don't analyze and don't expect more
than she can give. Smile when she makes you happy,
let her know when she makes you mad, and miss her when she's not there."
-Bob Marley